Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Empowered to make a difference

Mankind is systematically, 'fearfully and wonderfully' made to make a difference. You are a custom made design, special, and peculiar personality created by God to archive a unique purpose here on earth. Every human is uniquely designed from your fingerprint, to your gait (the way you walk), your iris and even your lips indicate how uniquely you are created. God created you special to make a difference in your family, community, nation and your generation. The bible is a library of stories of different ordinary people who God used to archive the extraordinary. Like Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel and others God can empower you to make a difference. But the question is How?

There are many factors that empower you to make a difference, but in this post I'll talk on two keys, the power of Decision and Revelation. But first of all, what does it mean to make a difference. Making a difference simply means existing and leaving your current position or location better than you met it.
"Exist and leave your current position or location better than you met it"
1) The power of decision, How does decisions empower? Daniel 1:8-17
No man can succeed, talk less of helping others succeed if they've not made a major decision to. You are one decision away from either a lifetime of failure or a destiny of fulfillment. Where you are today is a the fruit of the decisions of yesterday, where you will be tomorrow is a product of your seed of decision today.
"Where you will be tomorrow is a product of your seed of decision today"
*Decision separate you from mediocrity
Nothing wastes destiny like mediocrity. Daniel and his friends made a single decision not to do the things normal people do and as a result he achieved what ordinary people cannot. God blessed Daniel with a high level of wisdom and intellect that made him a successful leader of excellence who served in three different administrations.Simple every day decisions have the power to separate you from  the norm.

*Decision pattern your lifestyle on the pathway of making a difference
Decision leads to action, repeated actions build habits and habits define Character. Good character is the secret of distinction and people of high standards always standout in all they do.

2) Revelation Genesis 13:14
Revelation can be broken down into three aspects Insight of God's Word, Vision and Goals. The revelation factor literally and figuratively is based on a single question; What do you see? Whatever is far from view is totally out of your reach. So again I ask, What do you see?

"Whatever is far from view is totally out of your reach"

*What do you see  when you read or hear the word of God(insight)?
The Word of God is the manual for generational impact. It is both instructive and prophetic. When you catch a deeper meaning of any scripture in the Bible it will equip you to archive your heart desires. Your revelation of God's word determines the manifestation of God's will for your life. Jesus even as the son of God up in His early stages was living in mediocrity until he caught a revelation [Luke 4:16-21] that totally changed the course of His earthly life. 
"Your revelation of God's word determines the manifestation of God's will for your life"
*What do you see when you look at tomorrow (Vision)? 
When you are privileged to possess a vision i.e a picture of God's plan for your future, you are automatically destined to make a difference. In the Kingdom of God, the future you see is that which you will be empowered to seize "for all the land which you see I will give to you and to your descendants forever". 

*What do you see when you slightly look ahead from where you are today (goals)?
Whatever stage you are in life and where ever you find yourself today it important that set out short or long term goals. Men and women of difference are people who have written down goals of what they want to archive within a specific period of time. Progress can never be measured unless written out goals are continuously reviewed. The effort, skill and ability of twenty-two men on a soccer pitch is totally useless if there's not goal post in sight to score. No goal, no scoring, life is as simple as that.

My Counsel
In conclusion I have 2 tips for you.
1." A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life],But the Lord directs his steps and establishes them" Proverbs 16:9 amp.
Good decisions require superior for-site so whenever you find yourself confused on what to do or where to go at any junction of decision ask the Holy Spirit to direct you. 

2. If you want to go far in life you have see far, pray that God reveals to you His will for your life (purpose) .
"For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 amp


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