Wednesday 20 March 2013

Elements of Planet Exploit

            Every child of God is destined to command exploits in every sphere of life (Mathew 15: 13-15). By virtue of the Greater One at work in him, he is expected to dominate, prevail and attract attention as a result of the strange acts being done through his hand. But exploits in life is a function of knowledge and understanding. It is what you know that makes you renown.
Where is Planet Exploit?
This is the place where uncommon feats are performed. It’s a place where you do the impossible with the little available; realize the seemingly realize; scale uncommon heights; do what the ordinary can’t do; reach where the ordinary cannot reach.
            The Elements
In order for you to enter into Planet Exploits, you have to key into its elements which are;
The Word of God                                  
Ø      Spirit of Giving
Ø      Spirit of Righteousness
Ø      Evangelism
Ø      Prayer
Ø      Spirit of Faith
Ø      Salvation

Subsequently I’ll explain and breakdown the entire elements. But I’ll begin with the mother of all elements the Word of God .

God’s Word is the Master Key
            Every exploit of man in the world is a result of a certain information and knowledge the individual possess which others are not appointed to access.
            Knowledge is the foundation and fountain of exploit. Therefore, in order to perform beyond the ordinary and go farther above what natural ability can offer, you need to possess supernatural empowerment which comes via knowledge. God’s Word is the pacesetter of the world of the extraordinary accomplishments. All the exploits of Moses are traceable to the rod and the rod is the Word; “And thou shall take this rod in thy hand, wherewith thou shall do signs” (Exodus 4:17, Micah 7:14). Similarly the exploits of Peter after a long-time toiling came about when he encountered the Word (Luke 5: 1-7).
            Those who possess the Word are commanders in Planet Exploits (Daniel 11:32; Proverbs 24:5)

Understanding determines your placement
            Even though it is the Word that produces exploits, you need understanding of how it works before it can maximally deliver to you. Exploit does not come just by hearing the Word but by the understanding you derive from the word which in turn empowers you to take appropriate steps thereby enabling you to enter into Planet Exploit. It is understanding that determines the quality or results you possess in this “Planet”. In the words of Bishop Oyedepo “There is no mountain anywhere; every man’s mans ignorance is his mountain”. Many believers have opened themselves to all manner of oppressions due tom their ignorance (Hosea 4:6). In other words, your destiny is delivered to it’s maximum on the platform of knowledge (1Peter 2:9). When your understanding is enhanced, there is no limit to your rising

Pathways to Understanding 
v     Crave for knowledge (Job 23:12; Ezekiel 7:10; Psalm 1:1-3)
v     Engage the author, custodian, interpreter and teacher of the Word, The Holy Spirit (Isaiah 34:16; 1Corinathians 2:14; 2Timothy 3:16; John 14:26; Jeremiah 33:3)
v     Faith is proof of understanding (Romans 10:17). When you have understanding of what step to take in any issue, there will be no need for anyone to urge you before you take the step of faith
v     You must be born again. When God created man he was in tune with God; with the life and ability of God resident in him. But, when he embraced sin by listening to the voice of Satan, his fellowship with God was jeopardized. God’s nature in Adam gave him dominion to name all the animals. However, for man to reconnected back to God, he needed to be born of the Spirit of God i.e. to be regenerated (John 3:3). When this happens he becomes entitled to gain access to understanding God’s Word (Mark 4:11)
If you want to become born again or reconnect to God in other for you to enter the Planet of Exploits. Declare this in prayer.

Lord Jesus, come into my life,
Have mercy on me and forgive me of all my sins,
Wash me thoroughly with your  Blood I may be clean,
Write my name in the book of Life,
I hear by declare that you are my Lord and personal savior,
Thank you Jesus for you Salvation.
In Jesus name I am born again
So, embark on a desperate search of knowledge. There is a way out of every predicament of life as you engage in the search of the scriptures (John 5:39; 1Corianthians 10:13). The process can be enhanced through prayer and fasting just as Jesus discovered what was written concerning Him (Luke 4:1,16-17). In the same vein, there are things written about whatever situation you’re passing through. You change situations by discovering what is written concerning your case. Then start to practice till the Word comes to fruition (John 2:5, Luke 5:6; 1Timothy 5:16; Ezra 7:10)
            Thus, give attendance to God’s Word as your necessary meal and allow the Holy Spirit to brood over what you have discovered. When this is done, your understanding will come alive which inturn will make you a member of Planet Exploits.


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