Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Master Builder - Jesus

In case you really don't know Jesus allow me introduce Him to you, Meet the Master Builder and carpenter.
In a desperate search, determination and an eagle eye focus he sees a wretched tree(man) in a dark and hopeless jungle(earth) of confusion.
With His strong arm he raises an axe and cuts out the unwanted branches (bad habits, characters and unhelpful , unneeded baggages that weigh you down) and separates you out in a shape of a simple log.
With intense love and care, He breaks, carve and assemble you into an absolute wonder of a throne.
With the finishing touches of His anointing oil, causes you to glow to the admiration of all who have eyes to see.
Finally, with Glory and Grace He rest on you, He has given purposes to that old worthless and wretched tree. He SELECTS, TRANSFORMS and SHOWCASE you for all to appreciate in reverence of His Master Skilled hand.
That is my King [Revelations 19:11-16], My Master [John 13:13], My friend [John 15:15] and Co-Worker [2 Corinthians 6:1], His name is JESUS, Yeshu‘a the Mashiach

Do you want to know Him more? Do you want Him to be your friend as well?
Pray this simple prayer with all your heart,

Lord Jesus, I thank you for the love you have for me,
Have mercy on me, forgive me. I know I am a sinner.
But I ask that you wash me clean. I present to you my life do something with it.

Monday, 4 April 2016

3 ways people act like Judas ‘Is callous’

Easter celebration has come and gone but not for me though, every time I spend in His presence I can never fail to celebrate the Price of redemption. From a circular point of view the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most epic hero stories of all time and along with the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, the most classic villain character. Of course as a believer and from a positive perspective something had to lead to another thing for God in flesh, the sinless son of man to die to save sinners. But I’m not going talk about the Judas story from that angle, I will be talking about Judas as, yes you guessed right, the ‘bad guy’.

There’s a saying ‘when you point a finger, there are three fingers pointing back at you’, people have criticised the Judas character with all manner of negatives words. But in reality, pointing a finger at Mr. Judas has actually been three back at you. Inspired by an Easter sermon by my Pastor, Rev. Gabriel Achimba, in this post, I will be highlighting 3 ways we display the Judas in us.

1.    Money over everything [John 12:3-6]
Judas was not like any other disciple or apostle; it will amaze you to know that he was the treasurer of the ministry of Jesus. If you ask fellow disciple and Apostle, John [John 12:6 & 13:29] his account on how Judas performed in his duty, “Judas is a thief” he will tell you. I don;t think Judas is only a thief, it seem to me that he really had a 21st Century love affair with money, way to extreme for that era. Judas was a real hustler with an eye that places a price tag on anything on site; he even knew the exact price of the ointment Mary poured on the feet of Jesus.

Most people today have lost touch with things that actually matter; many have placed the search of money over family and even over God. Money has become so important that some of us forget that without God there won’t be life, without life there won’t be work and without work there’re won’t be money. Without a life, family and friends to spend the money with, money has no value. Like a mother who works till late hours leaving a child at home with inadequate care exposing the child to a nanny who was watching TV while the baby drank a full bottle of cough medicine and ended up in the ER dead and a young man who works all week even on Sunday while church service is ongoing later got afflicted with cancer exhausting all his savings on chemotherapy and later died, when it’s all said and done the desperate search for the inked paper was a waste of time and effort.

2.    Too smart to give to church
Some of us are of the opinion that giving to the church in its many types is simply throwing your money away, enriching men of God to live better with 5 star lifestyles, big cars and private jets. Some will say it’s even better to give to the poor than to give to the church. If you think this is the truth, well, you think and talk like Judas [John 12:4-5]. Wait a second, are you sure you guys are not related? *giggles* just kidding. But seriously speaking, that mentality is very wrong and I will tell you 3 reasons why;
  • Firstly, who said men of God are supposed to look poor and wretched? I mean who came with that? How can you work for Bill Gates (Billionaire) and live like Jack Dawson (movie: Titanic), isn’t that awkward. How can an individual who works for the King of kings [Haggai 2:8], owner of all the riches of this world and be poor, if you ask me, he should live the richest life on earth. So, if you believe your God-giving money, which you give out in a small part to the church will contribute to the prosperity of a servant of God. What is bad about that?
  • Secondly, giving is an act of worship and honour to God [Proverbs 3:9] and not to man. Every time you give, be conscious of the fact that you are honouring God.
  • Finally, giving is an indication of love, attraction and desire [Matthew 6:21]. I can tell a lot about you by just looking at your shopping receipts and observing what and where you spend your money. Giving to the church shows your love, attraction and desire for God.
Giving to the church is kingdom service and growth. When you give to the church, it grows in structure, size and most importantly impact but when you feed the poor (anybody that is incapable of fending for his or herself) instead of helping them by giving them your mental and physical resources you have simply given that poor man another excuse to remain poor and incapable therefore further contributing to the reduction of that individuals input and impact. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discouraging you from giving to the poor, all I'm trying to say is, both ways of giving cannot replace each other, so don't get it twisted. Just give this a thought.

3.    Judas sold Jesus once; you are probably sell Jesus every single day.

Jesus is alive today, maybe not in flesh but in Spirit. When you gave your life to God as a believer, that Spirit was placed in you. The purpose of that impartation is to give you a kind of bearing on what is right from wrong, some call it conscience. Some of us trade this for our immediate desires [Matthew 16:26]. For example every time you ignore your feelings just to lie in other to get something from someone or sleep with someone who you’re not married to gain money, favour or pleasure, that is trading. The action of buying and selling goods and services or rather, selling out the conscience to gain contentment.

You probably thought I will state betrayal as way of acting like Judas, but like every reaction there’s an action. Before the evil inspiration to sell Jesus came about, these 3 characteristics among others created a fertile ground for the seed of betrayal to grow into fruition. Trust me with a Judas attitude you won’t only live a lifetime of hell on earth but ultimately in eternity.
In case you want to say to me, brother! You just spoke directly to me and I really need a change of attitude and I don’t want to spend my time on earth and eternity out of God’s presence in hell betraying Jesus and trading the unmerited gift of salvation for worthless vanities of this world.. Right there where you are say this prayer;

                      Father forgive me, I confess to you my sins, I repent of my actions, Father I ask for the   Grace to live and think right, help me Lord. In Jesus name I pray amen.

Start giving, by sharing this post! God bless you as you do so.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

The Potency of God’s Word 3: The Therapy

                              Hebrews 4:12,
“For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart”

Let me begin by this fact, knowledge is what activates the benefit or profitability of any practice; it is possible to practice principles without an adequate depth of knowledge and lack its benefits. Many believers are unaware of therapeutic ability of the word of God. This ability works in a chain reaction; knowledge leads to awareness, awareness leads to expectation, expectation then leads experience. In our anchor verse Hebrews 4:12 (Amplified) the Word of God is described as “penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart”. What a powerful description, I have come to discover that every minute I spend under His word in church, on TV or in my personal bible study I tend to feel charged and energized. My Father in the Lord, Dr Paul Enenche describes the God’s word as a factor “that penetrates, animates and saturates”, a very powerful choice of words.

During my time in Bible School is witnessed many individuals experience diverse forms of healing mentally, physically and spiritually without anybody laying a hand on them. The significance of this medium of healing is that it boosts the faith of both the receiver (the healed) and the observer and
also it returns all glory to God and not any man like a Pastor or minister. In this post I’d like to share with you some elements of His word that makes it carry healing ability.

How does the Word heal?
The Word of God is the container of the Spirit of God [Ezekiel 2:2, John 6:63, Acts 10:44]. Every time you hear God’s word, His Spirit is released in a way that is best described scientifically; this process is known as DIFFUSION. Wikipedia defines the word diffusion as the net movement of molecules or atoms from a region of high concentration (or high chemical potential) to a region of low concentration (or low chemical potential). Bro Michael what has that go to do with this topic? Nice question, the Word of God been the container of the Spirit of God is of high concentration and potential compared to the human vessel which is weak and full of deficiencies, the region of low concentration and potential. There’re 3 components of The Spirit of God in His Word;

1.    It is contains healing properties [Proverbs 4:20-22, Psalms 107:20, John 1:14]

2.    [Psalm 43:3] Revelation, principles and insight on every single issue of life that brings results, and results that eradicate frustration (toxic frustration which leads to depression)

3.    Creative properties [Genesis 1:1-24], God says to create; the Word of God has been proven to cause many miracles and healings; Replacing destroyed organs and fixing complex situations.

4.    Light [Psalms 119:105]: this makes up for 90 percent of its content. By direct exposure to the light of God’s Word we absolve energy that strengthens the body and soul (mind, will and emotions) and fuels positive transformation and growth gradually into the perfect man at the final stage of rapture.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Potency of God’s Word 2 – The Supreme Will and Weapon

For the word of God is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.

The Word of God can be termed as Light [Ps 119:105 & 130, Jn 12:35-37], promises [2 Pet 1:4], will [Psalm 40:8], law [Josh 1:8] and revelation [Ephesians 1:17].

Firstly, the Greek word for powerful in this verse is ‘ energés ’ which means active, operative and effectual. It also from this word we derive the word ‘energy’.

Secondly, the Word of God is described as ‘sharper than any two-edged sword. It is very important for one to stop ponder on Bible verses to analyse and identify the context in which each word is written. The Book of Hebrews was written 70 – 72 AD, at that point in time; the most lethal weapon was a two-edged sword. Let me paraphrase this verse in modern terms for further understanding. “For the Word of God is alive, active, operative and effectual; The Word is a weapon that is lethal than an AK-47, the Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum, the TOW anti-tank guided missile, the Lockheed AC-130 Spectre Gunship and even the Tsar Bomba, combined.” Oh my! Let me pulse right here and take a short praise and praying break...Halleluiah!!

How is the Word of God supreme and Lethal?
1.    The Word is the seal of authority recognised by any opposition [1 John 5:14, 2 Timothy 2:15]
Jesus despite His position and identity confronted and conquered the devil in Matthew 4:1-11 with 3 words, ”It is written”. It is the authority in the Word the devil and obstacles recognise not the person or prayer [Psalm 138:2]. God hears your cry and prayers but he answers by your confession of His Word.

2.    The secret of effective and answer-guaranteed prayer is prayer offered according to the Will of God [1 John 5:14]
A Pastor told me story of a woman who was seeking to get a fruit of the womb (pregnant) for several years after marriage. Desperate in prayers, she met the Pastor and asked him to pray for her. He looked at her and asked “What part of the Bible is it mentioned that you should be pregnant”, in disappointment she looked down in silence and left. The good part of the story is she searched the Bible and come across Exodus 23:26 and prayed on her own in reference to the Word. She later came back to the Pastor with a testimony. This is where many go wrong, we request without backing. Can a lawyer make or defend a case in court without quoting the constitution to shield his argument? How much more the courts of the darkness and the Supreme High Court of the Most High?

3.    The Word of God is creative. John 1:1 & Gen 1:1
When the Word of God is declared, desires are created. The world was created by the creative power of His Word. Look for relevant scriptures that relate to your needs, in faith confess it out loud and watch the Word create you desires into reality.

4.    The Word produces the strength and shield of Joy. [Jeremiah 15:16, Nehemiah 8:10].
One of the major targets of the enemy, hardship and other unpleasant situations is to attack your joy. Because when they succeed, they reduce your strength and by that they break your defence. Nothing brings people down like depression and anxiety [Prov. 12:25] even medical science has proven this very fact. Joy is an antidote of strength and strength is diffused by the Word of God

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


"Your place of weakness and short comings is the perfect and needed ground for Grace (God at work) to function" - 2Corinthians 12:9 (paraphrased)

The Potency of God's Word 1 - The Living Word

"For the word of God is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart"
Hebrews 4:12.

The above Bible verse is one of my favourite Bible verse, the word for word content of this Bible verse electrifies me every single time I read it. But before I get into this exciting verse let me share with you my experience in Bible School (Dunamis School of Ministry) a couple of years ago.

Before bible school in my own opinion I was a knowledgeable believer but as the Bible says “But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. [Proverbs 4:18]”, I later discovered my path had indeed became explosively brighter. My understanding reached higher heights, my soul (my mind, will and emotions) was positively transformed, my enthusiasm reached sky high and my spirit was strengthened lecture by lecture. Up until date I am yet to recover from that impact. I believe what I experienced where benefits embedded in the above scripture.

Within the next few days, we will be going through s series titled “The Potency of God’s Word” as we trust that the Holy Spirit breaks down His Word for further understanding.

Ok, let me go straight into today’s message, in Heb. 4:12 the first word of description is “ALIVE”. This brings me to a sup-topic;

 The Living Word
As difficult as the world doesn’t seem to understand, the Holy Bible is not just some old book, He *yep! you heard that right, He* is not only the bestselling book of all time, He is not just an ancient book field with wise sayings and principles neither is He just an interesting story book, He is the Word of God and He is God [John 1:1]. The Holy Bible was, is and forever will be relevant to every time and season. [Psalm 119:89].

What makes the Bible the Living Word?
The Amplified version of Hebrews 4:12 say, “For the word of God is living and active”. In other words the Word of God is living, active, vigorous and animate.


1. The Word of God is ever relevant.

Let me share with you 3 amazing facts of the Bible
A) The Bible actually contains principle and precept on every single issue of life. *You can test it by commenting on absolutely any issue and I will give you a Bible verse that relates to it*

b) The Bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit over a 1600 year period through approximately 40 men. The time of the writing was from 1500 BC to AD 100 and interestingly there are no contradictions in the Bible.

c) The Bible contains more than 3,200 prophetic verses which have been fulfilled during and after the period in which it was written, even till modern times.

So you see no experiment, research and theory can deny that the Bible is the Living Word.

2. The Word of God imparts strength
Last week Wednesday, I misplaced my driver’s license and my debt card, the following day I drove without the license on my way to the repairs to fix my phone, I was stopped by the police and I had to pay my way out. The next day been Thursday, on my return from repairs (which wasn’t successful) existing the parking lot, I broke the side mirror of a lady’s car and she demanded I repair it. So I had to compensate her which I did. After settling that mess heading to church again I was caught without the license and again I paid. Feeling all battered, sad and annoyed of myself for my acts of carelessness, I busted into tears and then I prayed a simple prayer, “Lord I am not happy and I don’t know how you’re going to do it, but use the Senior Pastor through your Word and heal this pain I feel inside now”. When the Word was ministered within a few minutes it hit straight into my heart and instantly I felt relieved and energized.

The Word of God energizes, as a matter of fact, I believe as you this you can feel a fresh sense of energy, isn’t that amazing! No wonder 2 words (Come forth) from Jesus restored, revived and energized a lifeless Lazarus [John 11:43].

Can you please at this moment appreciate God for His Living Word! Halleluiah!!

Thursday, 28 January 2016

4 Keys of Effective Connection to God

1. Prayer in the name of Jesus. (John 14:6)
The name of Jesus is the only password to gain access to God. Like every secured system, that has 2 or more options to log in but the facts is, the secured user account gives you more access to information than the unsecured account. It is therefore possible that many people believe they're connected to God when actually they're not, and also connected to God and yet not accessing His infinite blessings and power.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Profitable Connection with Jesus

John 15:5, Relationship with Jesus, is connection to fruitfulness. You cannot be connected to God and suffer lack and exist only to occupy space, irrelevant, inconsequential, useless and unproductive.
