Hebrews 4:12,
During my time in Bible School is witnessed many individuals experience diverse forms of healing mentally, physically and spiritually without anybody laying a hand on them. The significance of this medium of healing is that it boosts the faith of both the receiver (the healed) and the observer and
also it returns all glory to God and not any man like a Pastor or minister. In this post I’d like to share with you some elements of His word that makes it carry healing ability.
How does the Word heal?
The Word of God is the container of the Spirit of God [Ezekiel 2:2, John 6:63, Acts 10:44]. Every time you hear God’s word, His Spirit is released in a way that is best described scientifically; this process is known as DIFFUSION. Wikipedia defines the word diffusion as the net movement of molecules or atoms from a region of high concentration (or high chemical potential) to a region of low concentration (or low chemical potential). Bro Michael what has that go to do with this topic? Nice question, the Word of God been the container of the Spirit of God is of high concentration and potential compared to the human vessel which is weak and full of deficiencies, the region of low concentration and potential. There’re 3 components of The Spirit of God in His Word;
1. It is contains healing properties [Proverbs 4:20-22, Psalms 107:20, John 1:14]
2. [Psalm 43:3] Revelation, principles and insight on every single issue of life that brings results, and results that eradicate frustration (toxic frustration which leads to depression)
3. Creative properties [Genesis 1:1-24], God says to create; the Word of God has been proven to cause many miracles and healings; Replacing destroyed organs and fixing complex situations.
4. Light [Psalms 119:105]: this makes up for 90 percent of its content. By direct exposure to the light of God’s Word we absolve energy that strengthens the body and soul (mind, will and emotions) and fuels positive transformation and growth gradually into the perfect man at the final stage of rapture.